Monday, February 6, 2012

Solid Weekends are What Base is All About!

This past weekend worked out to be just about ideal.  It would have been perfect if I hadn't been milking a weird pain/injury, more on that later.

Saturday we got up early and clattered in the little TDI over to the Laguna Niguel Rock N' Road store for the start of the Sweethearts Ride!  We showed up sort of on time, actually we showed up late, but we did have a good excuse that we drove really far to get there...

The turnout was awesome!

There were quite a few Bikes for Boobs Advocates along for the ride which is great to see!  I rode in the middle of the pack and chatted with some awesome people while Allison sat on the front and tried to get as close to her assigned training wattage as possible.  She is a silly girl, but she has high aspirations!  When we hit PCH the views were stellar and the pace broke up the pack a bit.

At the distal terminus of the Sweethearts Ride the Bikes for Boobs Advocates that were present set out to finish the 4 hour training ride with their Top Pro.

Proud Domestiques flanking their leader!

Cycling is such a beautiful sport in part because of it's individuality, and the unique sacrifices made by team mates who are not usually given their due credit.  I love riding bikes!

The four of us cruised in spectacular weather with beautiful coastal views killin' KJ's! (I actually killed about 2.4 MJ's)

After the 4 hour ride Allison decided that with Love being the theme of the day she needed to get more intimate with her new race bike, BG Fit style.

We headed over to the Mission Viejo Rock N' Road store and spent some time with their fit experts!

The drive home was brutally long due to a traffic accident on the twisty mountain road, life is so full of silly inconvenience.  Once home I prepped the Super Bowl Crockpot of Pulled Pork Goodness and we hit the hay.

Sunday was another big day!  4 hours on the mountain bikes (YAY for dirt!) and then Super Spectating of the Football kind!  First we ride...

We saw a ton of friends out on the trails at Vail Lake!

So much fun blasting around on the dirt.  We did some moderate intensity climbing and some rip roaring descending.

At the end of 4 hours and 50 miles on the mountain bikes (after nearly 70 road miles the day before) I was feeling a bit spent.  Beer me!

Had a Hangar 24 Double IPA and a fabulous dinner while watching the Patriots blow it in the Super Bowl.

Now to that nagging injury thing...

My right Achilles tendon has issues every now and then.  It got to be super painful on Saturday.  I loaded up on Ibuprofen though and Sunday the sheath seemed to release some.  This is a strange injury and seems to come and go with no apparent trigger or resolution and has reared it's head a few times over the past couple years.  It bums me out because I wanted to run on Monday...  oh well.  Glad for a rest week now and can't wait to get back on the volume after a nice recovery period!


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