Friday, December 11, 2009

It's been a while...

I will get the bad news out of the way up front, I am sad to report that I am still on the injured reserve list. I have made efforts. Photographic evidence of pedal FAIL...

Lots of stuff has happened though since my last post. Thanksgiving was awesome! I cooked a nice bird for my mom, sister, Allison and I.

It was super tasty!

On the bright side I have a new toy...

...and am enjoying myself a great deal!

I still have hope that I can get back on the bike before too much longer and maybe still do some races next year. Gonna try to hit it up next week.


Luke said...

or you could go back to DH! you don't need knees for that right? just ask denmo!

either way...good to see you enjoying something. the moto looks like a ton of fun!

jameson said...

stoked to hear you are still alive and riding.. even if it is a moto...

hopefully the knee comes around soon... there are plenty of races out there and a lot of time to get ready for them.

Slater Fletcher said...

well it is better to rest now and be fresh for next summer... We have years of racing but oh so little time to moto...enjoy it bro