Wednesday, June 16, 2010

More time, endless time...

I think most athletes have issues with injury. Unfortunately so much time has passed since my injury that I don't think I qualify as an athlete anymore.

I am back at work. Work can be a good distraction. It can also make you wish you could just be normal again.

Allison is the best wife ever. She is still busting her hump and doing everything she can to fulfill all her roles. She is quite amazing actually...

Wife, check.
Hold up cubicle walls 40hrs per week, check.
Train your ass off, check.
Prop up busted ass hubby, check.
Cook, clean, shop, drive...
Oh and place top five at national level XC MTB events.

Holy shit is she an animal. The women she races with do an occasional photo shoot and train. Talk about a handicap!

So we have established Allison is near super human. What is going on with me? I am still not able to pedal. I still can't use my right quadriceps. My neck has good days and bad, but doesn't have much range of motion ever.

Anything else? Oh yeah, somebody sign Allison up to race full time next year. She has proven she can be on the podium. Give her a shot. She has earned it and I won't be able to afford another year like this.

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